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A Year Later Thick Leeyonce Opens Up About Her Horrific Car Accident

A Year Later Thick Leeyonce Opens Up About Her Horrific Car Accident. No matter how sad they are, some memories, will always remain a part of our lives. Although Thick Leeyonce lives a positive life, she also has some instances where live wasn’t always good. Apart from the constant body shamming, a year ago, Thick Leeyonce was involved in a very serious car accident.

The plus-size model, content creator and entrepreneur was in ICU for a few days after the accident. Fortunately, Thick Leeyonce recovered, and has been doing well since. She was with her sisters and nephew when the accident occurred. Although Thick Leeyonce, hasn’t shared  much about the accident, she describes the whole experience as the most traumatic thing she has ever went through.

It has been a year now, but she still gets the same feeling thinking about it. Just like many people who have gone through similar situations, the accident will remain in her memory. The great thing is that Thick Leeyonce survived the ordeal, and is back painting the timeline red with her positivity.

“On this day, exactly a year ago, I almost lost my life in a tragic accident alongside my baby sisters & my nephew. I still cry thinking about that day. Life has changed so much for me since, but I’m just happy I got a second chance at this life thing again,” Thick Leeyonce said.

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