Is He/She Interested In You?

Sometimes it’s so obvious that a guy or girl likes you that you just know if asking him/her out is the right thing to do. Other times though, it’s not a sure thing and even though you’d really like to be his/her girl or guy, you’re afraid to ask him/her how he/she feels in case he/she rejects your advances or dismisses you curtly. Knowing some of the signs that indicate that a guy/girl is interested in you can help embolden you and reassure you that it’s worth giving it a try in asking him/her out.
- Do you like him/her? Yes, Maybe or No
- Is he/she always trying to get your attention? Yes, Maybe or No
- Do you find him or her starring at you most of the times? Yes, Maybe or No
- Does he/she try to start a conversation with you most of the times? Yes, Maybe or No
- Does he/she always compliment you often? Yes, Maybe or No
- Does she/he go all out to impress you? Yes, Maybe or No
- Do you talk a lot and spend more time together? Yes, Maybe or No
- Does he/she shy away when talking? Yes, Maybe or No
- Does he/she talk about you a lot? Yes, Maybe or No
- Do you think he/she is flirting with you? Yes, Maybe or No
- Y=3 , M=2, N=0
- Y=3, M=1, N=1
- Y=2, M=0, N=1
- Y=2, M=2, N=1
- Y=3, M=2, N=0
- Y=3, M=2, N=1
- Y=1, M=0, N=1
- Y=1, M=1, N=1
- Y=2, M=1, N=0
- Y=3, M=2, N=1
Score between 14-23
Now you can take a breather and relax. All is revealed and unwrapped. The signs have proven that there is something and where there is smoke there is a fire. He/ She does have something for you; So if this is what you want and want to develop it into something, why not meet him/her half way? It is completely up to you!!!!
Score between 8-13
He /she definitely likes you. However the signs are not that 100% clear whether he/ she wants to kick it with you . Advice would be to spend more time reading the signs and not put your hopes too high. But if interested, there is hope. It’s 50/50 baby!
Score between 0-7
This does not mean that there isn’t a possibility but there is a possibility that there isn’t. Still it might be too early to tell and some people are good at hiding their feelings. So either way if there is something he/she will show the signs. It’s just a matter of time.