Eda Rose Interview

Eda Rose real name Carren Eda Lamperini is definitely a girl with many talents. Not only is she a radio dj on TransAfrica radio. She is also a singer and designer. Eda describes herself as a young ambitious, happy person, full of life soul. In the Feature Eda shares with us how fame changed her life, her experiences on radio and her love for music.
Eda Rose: She’s a young ambitious, happy, full of life soul, ready to inspire all youth out there to be more and to make a difference in all ways possible.
YV: How was your childhood like growing up?
Eda Rose: My real name is Carren Eda Lamperini, I’m half Italian half Xhosa born in Johannesburg. I was brought up in Berea until age 8 and then moved to Bryanston where I have been staying ever since. Being raised by both cultures has been interesting, my father is more of the strong hand so I think he’s done a good job with me. lol
YV: What did you want to be when you were younger?
Eda Rose: At age 6 I wanted to be a doctor because my father told me it was a good career. Then at age 12 all I had in my mind was to sing!
YV: You were a co-host on Yfm, was that your biggest break?
Eda Rose: I believe so- it was one of the biggest slots on radio ( breakfast and drive) so all of a sudden hundreds of thousands of people were tuning into hearing my opinion five days of the week for a whole year. Thats big
YV: You are now a radio personality on TransAfrica radio, how is the experience?
Eda Rose: Well coming from being a co-host and traffic reporter on Yfm’s breakfast show, now being a main host on my own show is definitely more intense, more pressure but yet somehow more fulfilling as now I start the conversation as opposed to just filling in here and there.
YV: You received an award this year for On Air Radio Personality of the Year, did you see that happening?
Eda Rose: Well no, specially since I was only co-hosting a show that was Gauteng based and the people I was competing against were all hosts of their own shows (T- Boy Touch and so on) on national platforms- It was a crazy surprise. Thanks again to Ikusasa Youth Awards.
YV: You act as well, tell us about that?
My first acting role was in the 48 Hour project in 2011 which won best edited film. And then I actually accidentally auditioned for “Taxi Ride” directed by David Kau. I was at his office for some other reason I can’t remember and found that auditions were taking place and David knew I wanted to get into acting and so he told me to audition. I was very happy to get that role. And the response has been great. I would love to do more acting this year and get more challenging roles. I had actually auditioned for the role of “Ruby” on Etv’s “Scandal” and made it to the top 2. I am also currently auditioning for other roles.
YV: People might not know this but you studied Accounting and finance honours, so why choose radio as a career?
Eda Rose: Well I studied a serious degree due to the fact that you always need something to fall back on and education is everything however entertainment has been in my mind since age 12.
YV: Do you get nervous before doing a show on radio?
Eda Rose: All the time without fail however I do think that the nerves after a while become like breathing so you get used to them.
YV: What do you think young people can do to overcome the challenges facing them?
Eda Rose: Pray and understand there is a bigger power out there that can give you the strength that you need when you need it. It’s all in you to make the changes!
YV: What are the advantages or disadvantages of being a radio personality?
Eda Rose: The advantages well, you don’t really have to dress to the tee all time as you’re behind the mic for your show except when you have an interview scheduled. And more importantly now I have have a voice that influences a lot of people so the message always be positive.
The disadvantage I think is that you have to think twice before you say anything because listeners take everything I say too seriously- some even go as far as using my opinions as their own.
YV: Would you mind sharing with us the worst or funniest thing that has happened while on air?
Eda Rose: I think I have a lot of those, from over the top guest’s who practically take over the show and you need to tell them where to get off without being mean. The worst thing I think is having a song on the playlist that cuts off half way and you haven’t really prepared your next link. You’re bummed literally!
YV: Not only are you a radio personality but you also can sing, should we be expecting an album any time soon?
Eda Rose: Absolutely I am still very much into my music even though I haven’t released anything this year, I’ve been lost between finding the right sound that represents me as a person as well as the country where I’m from, the lyrics to write about that will resonant with my target market. So I’m working hard on bringing all that together.
YV: We saw you on the Vodacom rooftop going green ad on TV, are we going to see you more on TV?
Eda Rose: The Vodacom rooftop going green ad represented a element of me which is about the environment going green which I am very passionate about. I don’t mind doing more ad’s just as long as they’re an extension of my brand. I would also like to get into presenting or co-presenting a tv show so I have been auditioning a lot for that.
YV: Please tell us about your modelling career, when did it all start?
Eda Rose: I am not a model, I have only ever modelled for my good friend David Tlale and I think that’s where it will end for me. I am only 1.53 cm in height.
YV: And we heard about you designing shoes, please brief us on this more.
Eda Rose: The shoe idea came about roughly two years ago when I took a trip to Milan, Italy with the intent of finding somebody to help make my vision of making my own shoes and bag line a reality. I’m quite short so the majority of my heels are very, very high which in my mind at the time was a must have for most of the shoes in my line. I then attended a shoe expo in Milan, where there were literally thousands and thousands of shoes makers and shoe designers. This is where I met Sergio Amaranti- soon to be my shoe partner in crime. I showed him my designs and told him what type of material, heels and colours I wanted and he agreed to hand make 19 of the designs. I wanted my shoe collection to cater for really small feet as well as really big feet as I myself wear a size 2 and a half anf struggle to find sexy fab heels. I find a lot of people struggle to find the correct shoe sizes, and this is where I believe I have found my niche in the footwear market. My shoes are handmade in Italy from fine leather and certified Swarovski crystals. So far I have my shoes and bags in 3 stores, Si Belle- Morningside Shopping Centre, Ozlo Clothing Store- Moboneng District and FullKream- Illovo Junction, they can also be viewed and ordered online at www.ercollection.co.za.
YV: Has fame changed your life? If so, how?
Eda Rose: It’s changed my life in that a lot more people notice and want to be around me. The downside of this however, is that it’s hard to differentiate whose being real and who just wants a piece of the limelight. On the upside though it’s shown me that anything is possible and the sky is the limit-really.
YV: How do you handle media rumours?
Eda Rose:I don’t deal well with negativity or lies, so I block them off. Maybe it’s a good thing, maybe its bad thing but I feel like once you start trying to explain your life and actions to the media you need to do it all the time and for me thats too much.
YV: Are you reading anything at the moment?
Eda Rose:Yes, i’m reading ‘The art of seduction” by Robert Greene. It’s nothing sexual at all but rather teaches you how to hold a conversation, how to walk and how all your actions should be to leave an impact on others.
YV: What do you do for fun?
Eda Rose: Relax, go out for lots of lunches and dinners, go to the spa, hang out with the girls, shop and watch a lot of movies on circuit.
YV: Which radio personality do you look up to and why?
Eda Rose: I look up to Azania Ndoro as I dig the layout of her show, the way she argues her points in a smooth relaxed manor and the music she chooses to play- very my kind of style.
YV: What would you say is needed to become a successful radio personality?
Eda Rose:I think persistence, tenacity and being open to change as criticism will come and you will have to make way for it to be in this industry.
YV: What advice would you give to young people wanting to pursue a career in radio?
Eda Rose: I would say put yourself out there in all ways- so join as many training programs in radio, take part on campus radio or online radio stations, get a qualification in radio or broadcasting and just be logical about it.
To know more about Eda Rose, you can check out her website: www.edaroseofficial.com or follow her on twitter at @edaroseofficial