Trevor Noah Coming Home for a Much Anticipated South African Tour #TrevorNoahLiveinSA

Trevor Noah Coming Home for a Much Anticipated South African Tour. He has been traveling the world showing off his talent as a stand up comedian, and now finally Trevor Noah is coming home.
The multi award winning comedian, The Daily show host as well as author has been entertaining nations on his Back to Abnormal World Tour. Among the places Trevor has rocked in his tour include Stockholm in Sweden, Copenhagen in Denmark, Oslo in Norway, Amsterdam in Netherlands and Brussels in Belgium. Judging from Trevor’s social media posts, it is evident that all of these shows were a success.
He ended his European leg of the Back to Abnormal World Tour in Frankfurt, Germany. After the epic show, Trevor announced that back to the USA then Canada before he start preparing for his tour in South Africa and Asia and Australia among other places.
Well, well, well, Trevor is coming home where it all started, and we all can’t wait. He has teamed up with Savanna Cider, for a whopping 12 shows across South Africa. The tour will run from the 31st of August 2023, to the 15th of September 2023. The tickets will be up for sale starting from tomorrow, the 27th of September.
“South Africa!! I’ve teamed up with @SavannaCider for 12 shows from 31 AUG – 15 SEP 2023. Tickets go on sale tomorrow at 9am local, and you can find them at – Can’t wait to come home!! 🇿🇦 #SiyavannaSA,” Trevor announced.