Bonang Interview

Bonang Matheba or “your girl B” has accomplished a lot at the age of 24. She is one of the sexiest and most successful ladies in the showbiz. A television and radio personality , Bonang is the face of Gert-Johan Coetzee’s clothing label . She has a weave named after her, has graced the cover of FHM. Some of her many accolades include a clothing range at Legit named after her, following in the footsteps of Noni Gasa and the others.
Today Bonang has her own reality show called B*Dazzled. She is surely one of the most inspirational young women in this country. With all the focus and hardworking she puts to her work, Bonang is definitely the type of girl you would love to dine and wine with. Though she admits that being in the limelight is not easy our girl B still manages to maintain her bubbly and outgoing personality.
Youth Village’s Tshepy Matloga had the opportunity to chat to Bonang about what makes her tick, how she got into the show business and how she manages to flourish in the entertainment industry.
YV: Who is Bonang?
Bonang: Bonang is a South African TV and radio personality. Known for her infectious laugh, undeniable talent, incredible fashion sense and very bubbly personality.
YV: What inspired you to pursue a TV career?
Bonang: My love for the industry.
YV: What where some of the challenges you faced in your zest to pursue your dreams?
Bonang: Rejection. Anyone will tell you, breaking into the industry is very hard. One will encounter plenty of rejection before you’re given a break. The ones who persevere the most are the ones who are most likely to make it and survive.
YV: When did you get your first big break?
Bonang: I did a show called Manahattan’s Fantasy Challenge on SABC 2
YV: What else would you have done if you hadnt pursued a career in TV and radio?
Bonang:I would’ve been a preschool teacher or pursued a career in marketing.
YV: What were your parents initial reaction when you told them you wanted to pursue a career in entertainment? Where they always supportive?
Bonang: They have always been supportive. They just wanted me to do what I want and what makes me happy.
YV: Any life lessons you drew from your journey as a TV and radio personality?
Bonang: That you have to work hard to get anything in life.
YV: Do you always know what to expect everytime you presenting Live on SABC 1?
Bonang: I love my job- but experiences differ each week. It is a live broadcast so one never knows what to expect. Just gotta be prepared.
YV: Contrasts are constantly drawn between live and club 808 what are your sentiments?
Bonang: You can’t compare the 2.
YV: Let’s talk about your social media initiatives how is that looking?
Bonang: I’m currently doing a ‘help a sister’ campaign with Lifestyle South Africa. It’s a CSI project that assists young girls living in disadvantaged areas. It’s like a mentorship project for these young girls. We help them face the realities of puberty and life issues in general.
YV: Who are your favourite local and international musicians?
Bonang: Rihanna, Adele, Chrisette Michelle, Selaelo Selota, Vusi Mahlasela, Swedish House Mafia..list is endless…
YV: How has stardom changed your life?
Bonang: It has made it a lot more difficult for me to live a ‘normal’ life. My privacy is almost non existent. However, I get to meet and interact with awesome people almost every day so I’m pretty lucky. It’s very difficult for me to complain about my job and what it brings because I love it so much. I’m just grateful for everything and everyone because I do understand that it could’ve been anyone else in my position. I don’t take anything for granted.
YV: What does Bonang do for fun?
Bonang: I love to travel, shop, sleep and watch TV. I’m thankful for my quiet time because it doesn’t come often.
YV: What makes a good relationship?
Bonang: Communication, trust, love and honesty.
YV: What music do you have on your playlist?
Bonang: Bouga Love’s brand new album, SoulCandi 10, Euphonik’s For The Love OF House, Marsha Ambrosius, Zahara and Yfm of course.
YV: Are you reading anything at the moment?
Bonang: Yeah!!! Lots of magazines… hahhahhaaaaaa!!
YV: Isn’t it hard to stay in shape? How do you manage that?
Bonang: Not for me. I’m naturally a skinny person. I come from a family of small women. I’m lucky. I go to the gym once a week but I can eat anything I want and not worry about it.
YV: What are you driving at the moment?
Bonang: A BMW 125i Sport