Motsoaledi Setumo Details On How A Male Neighbor Has Been Harassing Her
Motsoaledi Setumo Details On How A Male Neighbor Has Been Harassing Her. Being a woman in South Africa is now extreme sport. Everyday women experience all sorts of abuse from their male counterparts. Celebrities are not immune either, as Motsoaledi Setumo shared the kind of abuse she endures from her male neighbor.
The neighbor started with loud music, and unfortunately it seems the complex management is not doing much to help.
So what’s the next step to take when the security and complex management fail to tell someone about their occasional loud music shit?
— Motsoaledi Setumo (@Mo_Setumo) August 10, 2018
He stays directing under my place. He’s annoying! I seriously don’t know what to do now. 🤬
— Motsoaledi Setumo (@Mo_Setumo) August 10, 2018
Now he is making love advances to Motsoaledi, and is not giving up besides being turned down several times.
I’ll tell you why I say that. This is the guy who told me he has a crush on me, I told him sorry boet, but I don’t and I have a man. Cool!
— Motsoaledi Setumo (@Mo_Setumo) August 10, 2018
When I got there I knew they were from him! So I took them back but he wouldn’t take them. I then went to the security guys and they laughed saying he just wants me what’s the big deal?! They even asked me that had he left me money would o be acting up like this. 🤬🤬🤬
— Motsoaledi Setumo (@Mo_Setumo) August 10, 2018
It gets creepier and scarier
I told him to leave me alone (politely), and he apologized for that and said he’d stop. Cool.
— Motsoaledi Setumo (@Mo_Setumo) August 10, 2018