Imbewu: The Seed Teasers – May 2018

Imbewu: The Seed Teasers – May 2018. Coming up on Imbewu: The Seed this May 2018:
Tuesday 1 May 2018
Episode 12
With the tension mounting between Ngcolosi and Phakade, MaNdlovu deems it fit to intervene and settle the stand-off between her two sons once and for all – she tries to persuade Ngcolosi to give ten percent of his equity stake in Maluju oil to his brother.
Zane isn’t ready to accept his loss, he goes ahead with taking a meeting with the green energy representative and misses his son’s much anticipated prize-giving ceremony.
MaNdlovu and Mazulu’s problems are compounded when Zithulele tells them the Sangoma has been lurking around the office. Buhle tells Mnyamane that Phakade cannot be a judge for the Oswenka competition.
Wednesday 2 May 2018
Episode 13
MaNdlovu realises that Zithulele’s curiosity could become problematic for them. Ngcolosi shocks Pranav when he informs him that he wants them to depose Zane from the company, as both COO and shareholder.
MaNdlovu and MaZulu go back and forth about how to proceed regarding MaCingwane and MaNdlovu decides it must be something drastic. Mandlovu stuns MaZulu when she tells her they must burn down MaCingwane’s house. It tears at Namadonsela’s heart to see Futhi dressed up as a boy.
Zithulele is roped in as one of the judges. Phakade arrives at the hall in time to see Futhi perform. Futhi sees her father arrive and nearly loses her nerve. Mnyamane watches Futhi’s routine and is impressed.
Thursday 3 May 2018
Episode 14
MaNdlovu remains determined to burn down the sangoma’s house, despite MaZulu’s reservations and conscripts a willing Phunyuka to carry out the task.
Pranav is appeased by Ngcolosi’s motives for adding the clause to depose a shareholder to the articles of association, but is no closer to deciding whether he will vote to depose Zane as COO and shareholder.
Zane is chuffed to receive the green energy contract from Brent, but gutted to receive divorce papers from Belinda, who makes it clear he’s all out of second chances. Zithulele meets Thu Sheleni over a random game of pool and the two young men strike up an immediate and easy rapport.
Friday 4 May 2018
Episode 15
Phunyuka tricks MaCingwane into leaving his home and then burns down the house. Zane urges Pranav to sign the green energy contract behind Ngcolosi’s back. Ngcolosi and Pranav resolve to unseat Zane as COO and remove him as a shareholder of Maluju Oil, much to Zane’s horror.
Zithulele discovers that Thu Sheleni is a hustler and that he’s not too comfortable discussing his personal background. Mandlovu presses Phunyuka and he admits to knowing that Ngcolosi’s children are really Phakade’s.
Monday 7 May 2018
Episode 16
After revealing he knows the secret, Phunyuka swears he will never tell anyone. MaZulu fears he’s a threat, but MaNdlovu believes he’s an ally. She declares Phunyuka is now part of the Bhengu family.
At Maluju, a desperate Zane begs Belinda for another chance. At Emsamo, Zithulele rescues the hustling Thu Sheleni from being kicked out, but finds little thanks coming his way.
In Umbumbulu, Phakade is shocked to find a pregnancy test in the trash. Finally, MaNdlovu and MaZulu celebrate, thinking the secret is safe, but…
Tuesday 8 May 2018
Episode 17
Namadonsela is insistent that she wants to birth Phakade a son that causes a major rift in their relationship. The mysterious Thu Sheleni has his backpack stolen while it’s revealed he has a connection to MaNdlovu.
Ngcolosi and Pranav break the news about Zane’s firing to their respective families, causing a fallout between Ngcolosi and his children.
Wednesday 9 May 2018
Episode 18
Zithulele does not accept that a family member can be kicked to the curb like this. MaZulu wants to know why Ngcolosi is so hard on Zithulele and so gentle with Buhle.
Zane is packing up to leave when Nganono comes to say goodbye. Zithulele and Thu Sheleni connect again. Thu Sheleni needs a job and Zithulele will keep his ear to the ground. Zane and Belinda meet but it is downhill from here. Zane is going to fight to get custody of the children.
Phakade apologises but pleads with Namadonsela to let this pregnancy idea go. Nganono finds his brother at Emsamo instead of at the office. This fight between Zithulele and his father is about far more than just uncle Zane. The conflict between Zithulele and his father comes to a head.
Thursday 10 May 2018
Episode 19
Zithulele is about to leave the family home when Ngcolosi takes the key, effectively keeping him there.
Zithulele persuades the manager at Emsamo to hire Thu Sheleni on probation as a waiter and vouches for him. With their lawyer, Ngcolosi and Pranav request that the share split be fifty-fifty between them. Nirupa and MaZulu discuss Belinda.
Zithulele is taken by an impressive group of Oswenka who want to perform at Emsamo, and promises to help plead their case to the unwilling manager.
Friday 11 May 2018
Episode 20
Ngcolosi tells Pranav he wants majority share but convinces him he’s not making a play for power, but Shria is vehemently opposed to the idea and Nirupa worries it will compromise Pranav and Ngcolosi’s relationship.
Buhle has a disturbing episode which alerts MaNdlovu and MaZulu to the fact that the ancestors aren’t happy with them.
Zithulele makes peace with the fact that his father’s refusal to let him leave speaks to his love for his son, but fails to win over the manager of Emsamo re hosting the Oswenka dancers.
Monday 14 May 2018
Episode 21
Ngcolosi learns about Buhle’s mishap and is disturbed by it. He is not satisfied by the explanation he receives for it from MaNdlovu and MaZulu.
Nobody manages to sleep well in the Bhengu home. Fraught MaNdlovu and MaZulu secretly resolve to do the Umemulo but neither one of them knows how they will carry it out successfully without Ngcolosi or Buhle finding out about it.
Zithulele is dejected by his lot in life, utterly uninspired by his job at Maluju oil. Nganono hopes that the dynamic between their fathers won’t affect their relationship. Pranav agrees to let Ngcolosi become majority shareholder but Ngcolosi must pay a price for the privilege.
Tuesday 15 May 2018
Episode 22
Zithulele’s attempts to convince the manager about his latest project continue fall on deaf ears. Pranav and Ngcolosi struggle to fill the void left by Zane. Pranav proposes they bring in Ngcolosi’s estranged daughter Zakhiti to help out, causing concern to Ngcolosi.
Ngcolosi worries about Buhle’s health and thinks something greater is at play. He decides to see a Sangoma, while mandlovu’s attempts to persuade the Sangoma not to tell Ngcolosi the truth seem to fail.
Wednesday 16 May 2018
Episode 23
A panicked MaZulu wants to make a run for it. Nganono and Shria both admit to wanting the COO position, and resolve to accept their fathers’ decision in the interest of their friendship. They soon learn, however, that neither of them were being considered.
Msobho gets stonewalled by the manager, throwing the Oswenka show into doubt. And Ngcolosi takes buhle to see Makhumalo, while a desperate MaNdlovu begs her ancestors for their intervention.
Thursday 17 May 2018
Episode 24
MaNdlovu and MaZulu fear the worst when Ngcolosi returns from Makhumalo, but they’re stunned to learn she did not reveal the truth.
After Phakade agrees, MaNdlovu’s new plan is set in motion. Meanwhile, Zithulele learns Msobho is a really a labourer, struck with guilt, he promises to ensure the Oswenka show goes ahead, threatening the manager not to interfere.
Both Nganono and Shria question their respective father’s as to why they weren’t considered for the COO position. Ngcolosi makes a skype call to Zakhiti, revealing a deeply fractured relationship with his oldest child.
Friday 18 May 2018
Episode 25
Phunyuka informs an excited Zethu’s about her Umemulo, while MaNdlovu and MaZulu visit Phakade to try and figure out the details of how they will achieve Buhle’s Umemulo simultaneously with Zethu’s – with nobody finding out.
MaNdlovu shocks the other two by suggesting that they drug Buhle so that she does not remember the ritual afterwards. Ngcolosi and Pranav are thrilled to be invited to a trade delegation overseas, but quickly see that their lack of a COO makes the timing difficult.
Pranav reminds Ngcolosi that they have a ready fit in Zakhiti, but Ngcolosi is reluctant to ask his daughter, given their fractious history.
Monday 21 May 2018
Episode 26
Ngcolosi and Pranav interview potential candidates for the COO position but can’t find a perfect fit and Pranav convinces Ngcolosi to offer Zakhiti the post.
Phunyuka forces MaNdlovu to reveal her intentions for Buhle at Zethu’s Umemulo and worries they may taint Zethu’s life. He reaches out to Phakade for help and Phakade engineers a plan that will leave Zethu’s Umemulo untainted, but Ngcolosi unwittingly foils it.
Tuesday 22 May 2018
Episode 27
MaZulu spikes Ngcolosi’s tea so that he’ll feel temporarily ill to prevent him from attending the Umemulo re-enactment. A strong connection is evident between Phakade and Buhle during and after the ceremony.
Shria is stunned and disappointed when Pranav tells her that the hope is for Zakhiti to fill the COO position. She warns her father that he is giving the Bhengu’s too much leverage at Maluju oil.
When the contractor and his men don’t show up at Emsamo, it starts to dawn on Zithulele that he’s been scammed. He angrily confronts Shukela who he believes to be instrumental in the scam.
Wednesday 23 May 2018
Episode 28
Zakithi’s arrival stirs up new tensions in the home and reopens fresh wounds, especially MaNdlovu who refuses to accept her granddaughter’s arrival. Nganono struggles to come to terms with his father’s decision.
Zithulele tries to lie his way out the Msobho situation but it backfires when he’s caught out. Adam wants to meet Mira’s parents but she is reluctant.
Thursday 24 May 2018
Episode 29
Angered by Zakithi’s behaviour at dinner, MaNdlovu leaves the Bhengu household. Buhle is amazed at how Zakhiti challenged MaNdlovu, then confesses to missing her big sister.
Mira speaks to her mother about having Adam over for dinner, then leads Adam to believe that her parents know he’s her boyfriend. Zithulele flirts with danger by using a company expense card to pay for non-company merchandise, which Thu Sheleni warns against. And Zakhiti takes her ‘rightful’ place in her new office.
Friday 25 May 2018
Episode 30
Pranav and Ngcolosi depart for their overseas trip, leaving Zakhiti in charge at Maluju. She immediately rocks the boat, making aggressive cuts, causing staff unrest.
Zithulele continues to use his expense card to pay for the Oswenka show, ignoring Thu Sheleni’s warnings. Zithulele realises they won’t be able to erect the ramp right now. Msobho knows that Zithulele has spent his own money on the ramp and is grateful.
Mira’s introduction of Adam goes horribly wrong when they see he’s white, and she accidentally blurts out that he’s also her boyfriend.
Monday 28 May 2018
Episode 31
Nirupa is upset that Mira lied about Adam, but what’s worse is what it says about the way they raised her. The workers are unhappy about their new lunch and tea schedule.
Zithulele convinces Msobho there should be a cover charge, but soon realizes he’ll need a headliner to justify it. MaNdlovu reveals to Phakade that Zakhiti is back. And Brent, from Green Co, arrives with a lawyer ready to talk with the CEO.
Tuesday 29 May 2018
Episode 32
Brent demands compensation from Maluju oil for a deal Zane signed and reneged upon and Zakhiti makes an appointment with the company lawyer to explore her options.
Mira reconciles with Adam and apologises to her mother, but makes it clear that she is with Adam and hopes he’ll grow on Nirupa in time.
Zithulele manages to land DJ Tira for the Oswenka show, but is loath to double the cover charge in order to afford a superstar DJ’s hefty fee.
Wednesday 30 May 2018
Episode 33
MaZulu wishes for Nganono and Zakhiti to reconnect, as well as wishing it for herself and her daughter – but when she broaches it with Zakhiti, she is rebuffed.
Nirupa advises that Shria try and learn from Zakhiti rather than being intimidated by her. Zithulele decides to sell an expensive watch to cover his costs, but he and Thu struggle to get a fair price for it. Zithulele learns some of Thu’s story.
Zakithi gives an unsatisfactory apology to MaNdlovu and MaNdlovu rejects it entirely. Logan tells Zakithi that Green Co has a case and suggests that they settle with them, but in the meeting with Brent and his lawyer, Zakhiti shocks everyone.
Thursday 31 May 2018
Episode 34
Zithulele, desperate for funds to keep his side-project alive, reluctantly sells his watch for much less than it’s worth. He confesses to Thu Sheleni that he’s maxed out his company credit card.
Nirupa tries to set up Mira with a match-making exercise with a young man from an admired Hindu family. But Mira makes it clear she already has a boyfriend. When Ngcolosi calls for an update, Nganono doesn’t reveal what Zakithi’s been up to as he doesn’t wish to worry his father.
Shria, concerned about Zakithi’s antics, plans to convene a board meeting.
Premiere episodes of Imbewu: The Seed air on from Mondays to Fridays at 21h30 and on eExtra from Mondays to Fridays at 22h30.
The repeat airs on from Mondays to Fridays at 12h30 and the omnibus airs on Saturdays at 11h20.