10 Tips On Taking Care Of Dyed Hair

10 Tips On Taking Care Of Dyed Hair. Colouring hair will never get out of style. It can be from streaking with bright reds or highlighting them with blonde or a full coverage to make a style statement. Sometimes we colour just to cover those embarrassing greys. And for these, there are numerous hair coloring options available in the market. So here is how to take care of your hair now that coloring it has made it more vulnerable.
1. Wash Hair In Cold Water
Not just the first time, but all the time. Hot water dries out hair and skin, leaving it dull. Cold water will not only help you keep your color but also helps you keep your hair’s health and shine.
2. Use A Colour Protecting Conditioner
A good conditioner is very important to maintain the moisture balance in your hair. Since your hair has been treated with chemicals like ammonia, therefore always use a “color protecting conditioner”. This will nourish it and provide its natural shine and lustre.
3. Conserve Your Colour
For your colour to last longer, always use leave in conditioners after washing your hair. If possible, wear a hat or a hair sunblock spray while going out in the sun. This helps to protect hair from getting damaged by sun and depleting the colour away.
4. Do Not Redye Too Often
Your hair shaft is delicate, and should only be dyed once a month or so. Any sooner than that and it will be prone to breaking, splitting, tangles and straw-like texture. If you want to ring the changes, try to do it gradually and your hair will thank you.
5. Swim With Caution
Chlorine is very harmful for coloured hair. It can alter the actual colour of your hair. So avoid setting into the pool just after colouring your hair. And if you do, always wear a swimming cap before you step in.
6. Avoid Hair Dryer
Wherever possible, dyed hair should be allowed to dry naturally. Hair that is dried with the aid of a blow dryer will be at a greater risk of sustaining further damage. The heat from a blow dryer causes damage and it also opens the hair cuticles, preventing the hair from sealing properly after it is washed.
7. Use Sun Cream
It’s not just your skin that needs protection from the sun; if you want your new colour to last longer and keep its shine, you should keep your hair covered up in the sunshine or use a protective cream. Water-based products are better for dyed hair than oil-based.
8. Get The Right Shampoo
Choose a shampoo designed for coloured hair and for your scalp type. A gentle shampoo will allow you to wash your hair every day and show off the shine of clean and healthy hair, whatever colour it is.
9 Drink More Water
The state of your hair is an indication of your general state of health. Make sure you drink plenty of water and fruit juices, and keep hydrated; your whole body will appreciate it, and you’ll find the effect reflected in your hair and skin. And if your hair is better hydrated, the colour will last longer
10. Hands Off
You may be proud of your new ‘do, but try not to keep touching it. As well as making it dirty with your hands, you could be damaging the cuticle, the outermost part of the shaft, or unconsciously harming your scalp.