Eish! Looks like There’s Trouble In Paradise For Pearl Thusi And Robert Marawa

Eish! Looks like There’s Trouble In Paradise For Pearl Thusi And Robert Marawa.
Are Pearl Thusi and Robert Marawa having a little trouble in paradise? Based on what transpired between the couple recently and after the cryptic Twitter posts from Pearl’s bae Robert, it looks like that may be the case. The couple might have just reached the end of their relationship.
It all came to a head on Monday on the social media platform, where Marawa posted a tweet that offered a definition of the term “unfinished business” as “nagging, unresolved, unexpressed or withheld feelings, memories and events of hurt, anger and resentment towards another person” that drain one of emotional energy.
No one would have made much of the tweet had Thusi, in New York, not quote-tweeted it with a “lol” and then followed that up with a tweet that read: “You subtweeted me but you have my number…”. The tweet included a “But why?” meme, a confused emoji and the hashtags #thisisalsoasubtweet and #atweetforatweet.
Marawa, it seems, then blocked Thusi. Her quote-tweet indicated his tweet was unavailable, but it was not deleted from his feed – which means that Thusi could no longer access his feed. The app DoesFollow confirms that Marawa and Thusi are no longer friends on Twitter, at least not at the time of going to print.
Close sources say they were concerned that the Pearl’s relationship with Robert was in trouble, adding that the couple was working on it and that they believed infidelity could be a cause of the “unfinished business”.
This week, friends of the celebrity couple said that the two had had a bad fight just before Thusi left South Africa, after her last visit home to record a new season of popular TV series Lip Sync Battle, which she hosts. They said the wedding was under threat since that fallou