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Rhythm City Actor Mduduzi Mabaso And His Wife Tell Us About How They Keep Growing Strong

Rhythm City actor Mduduzi Mabaso and his wife have stood the test of time, which is no easy for any couple, let alone ones living their lives in the public eye. Of the ten years that the couple has been together, they’ve been traditionally married for six. 2016 marks a decade since the love birds fell for each other.

Mdu Khekhe

Mdu however admits that there have been a lot of challenges along the way and it hasn’t been all lovey dovey.

“It has been a curvy, bumpy road for us…”

He also admits that he also makes mistakes. “I am not good at remembering these things, I even forget my birthday,” Mdu says laughingly.

So how is it that these Mdu keep the romance alive year after year? Besides forgetting dates, Mdu never forgets to love his wife.

“He is my best friend,” Fatima says as she gushes. “It is so easy. I understand his job and that people will love and adore him.

“I think I am very secure in our relationship. He has never made me feel like I’m his second best.”



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