
15 Reasons Why People Fail At Job Interviews

Sometimes it’s the basic things that candidates don’t get right. Sometimes it’s the small things that matter. The things that we don’t realise we do. These can have a significant impact on how others see or judge us. Whatever it is, it can mean the difference between success and failure. That might sound ridiculous, but it’s surprising what candidates do or don’t do in interviews.


We’ve pulled together a 15 reasons why candidates fail at interviews.


1.Poor preparation

2. Displaying a negative attitude or generally being negative

3. No enthusiasm for the company or the role

4. Being dishonest

5. Vague or uninteresting interview answers

6. Arriving late

7. Asking about the salary too early

8. Sounding desperate or overeager

9. Interrupting the interviewer

10. Dressed inappropriately

11. Being unprepared for the standard interview questions

12. Lying about your skills, experience, knowledge and qualifications

13. Failing to explain how your skills match the job in question

14. Forgetting what is written on your CV/Resume

15. Chewing gum, a pen or playing with your hair


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