
South African Celebrities Who Recently Earned Their Degrees

While Julius Malema earning a college degree was certainly a moment in life that is cause for celebration, did you know there are a handful of very smart celebrities who earned doctorates,  degrees and even, from time to time, honours degrees? From Miss SA Ntnaod Kunene to actress Thuli Phongolo, here are nine brainy celebrities who earned degrees this year.

1. Julius Malema

PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA – MARCH 30: Economic Freedom Fighters leader; Julius Malema graduates with a Bachelor of Arts degree on March 30, 2016 in Pretoria, South Africa. The graduation ceremony was held at the University of South Africa (Unisa) main campus. (Photo by Gallo Images / Beeld / Herman Verwey)

2. Thuli Phongolo


3. Innocentia Makapila


4. Miss South Africa

ntando kunene1

5. Zola Nombona

zola ncuma1

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