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Thuli Phongolo Shows Off Her Sexiness In ‘Mzansis Sexiest 2016’ Photoshoot

Generations actress Thuli Phongolo is the girl that every guy dreams about, the girl next door who has that sort of reserved, quiet beauty which no one can tear their eyes away from. After a photoshoot with Mzansi Sexiest, the beaut went to her instagram timeline and shared a very interesting video. She went from alluring and seductive to showing off her her long , slim legs.


Thuli is one actress that spends more time taking photos and makes it a point by sharing with her fans on social media solidifying her place as one of the sexiest women in Mzansi. She looks great and she knows it, commanding attention in the red swim costume as seen in the video she posted. We can’t blame Thuli for wanting all eyes to be on her- we think she looks great!

Watch the video (HERE)

Here’s a bit of a teaser below……. What are your thoughts ? Don’t you agree? Be sure to vote for her to ensure she features in the Mzansi’s Sexiest calendar for 2016.



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