International Bursary: Germany

MAHLE Behr South Africa is an automotive component manufacturer, specialising in air conditioning and engine cooling products for both passenger and commercial vehicles.
Company MAHLE Behr South Africa in association with MAHLE Germany
Location Karlsruhe University – GERMANY
Job Type / Level Mechanical Engineering Bursary / Internship
Only for black, South African Students who are willing to reside in Port Elizabeth on completion of their studies MAHLE Behr South Africa has undertaken to sponsor two students who have successfully completed their first year B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering or a full S3 (towards a National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering), a FULL bursary in order to complete their B.Sc.
Mechanical Engineering degree at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in GERMANY which is an English medium University.
In order to secure entry to the B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering degree at Karlsruhe, it is mandatory for the successful South African Students to pass a Bridging Programme for all International Students before the first semester begins.
An Internship will be offered during breaks in the academic programme at MAHLE Germany factories since the German education system requires compulsory practicals to be completed whilst studying. Students will receive valuable work experience and exposure to the hi-tech automotive components manufacturing.
A full bursary is being offered that covers tuition, books, accommodation, food and spending money. An annual flight home to South Africa will also be included. There is a strong support network offered by MAHLE Germany to the students who will be well catered for and closely monitored by MAHLE Behr South Africa.
a) Successful completion of 1st year Mechanical Engineering (B. Sc.) and certified copy of 1st year results
b) Successful completion of an S3 Mechanical Engineering (towards a National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering) and a certified statement of results
– A focus on Mathematics due to the high level of Mathematics taught at a German Universities
– South African citizen and preference given to equity candidates (cultural exchange)
– Only for black, South African Students who are willing to reside in Port Elizabeth on completion of their studies
– Willingness to learn to speak German (lessons are provided)
– Students need to accept that they would be away from South Africa for 4 years
– Interest in the functioning of machines, industrial processes and operations management
– The ability to problem solve and multi-task
– Being able to thrive in a multi-cultural environment and work as a member of a team
– Transfer of Knowledge/skills learnt in Germany back to South Africa
– Students are obliged to work for MAHLE Behr for 4 years after returning to South Africa
– Only for black, South African Students who are willing to reside in Port Elizabeth on completion of their studies
Closing date for applications: 23 April 2014 (10:00am)
How to Apply
Internship at MAHLE Behr Durban, German lessons & VISA applications: mid May-July 2014
Transfer to Karlsruhe and pre-semester programs: end July 2014
For more information visit the MAHLE:
Information on the University – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology:
Address applications to: Training Manager
Reference: International Bursary Programme
E-mail address for applications: [email protected]
Correspondence will be conducted with shortlisted applicants, only.