10 Tips On Becoming A Fashion Trendsetter & Not A Trend follower

When it comes to style there are two types of people; The Trendsetter and the Fashion Follower. Following trends can have strategic value, but setting the trend can be even more beneficial. So do you want to be a fashion trendsetter? Hopefully! If not, here are some on becoming a trendsetter rather than a trend follower.
1.You must love fashion-
2. Discover your style- Believe it or not, there’s a trendsetter in you too — you just have to find him.
3. Spend time with creative people- Surrounding yourself with people who have the creative bug will help you unleash your potential.
4. Set the do’s and don’ts of fashion- Don’t conform to any fashion rules. You are the trendsetter, so it’s time for you to set the rules.
5. You should start putting fashion pieces together– Any hour , should be your time to get on with the creativity. Start experimenting with clothes.
6. Always aim to grab the attention of others- Be that girl or guy who everyone else notices and who always looks perfectly put together.
7. You must strive for originality- Trendsetters strive to be different from everyone else. Staying true to being individual and unique and remain trendy and classy without looking crazy and ridiculous.
8. You must spot the trend- It might seem like only fashion designers or those in the industry have the ability to spot trends early on. The trick is not to focus on how you can actually set trends
9. Never look toward others for the next big fashion move-Usually the first to wear a new trend and come up with fresh ideas on how to style them.
10. You must ooze confidence- Own your style and be confident at all times.