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7 Things That Make DJ Zinhle’s Watch Range Cool

By now we all know that popular South African female dj, Dj Zinhle, has her own watch range called ERA which she launched in 2013. Dj Zinhle is one of the most successful female vinyl spinners in the country and she is thriving successfully in business too. If you have been on her Instagram account then you will no doubt know about her cool designed watches. We’ve put together 7 things that make her range cooler than your watch!

Dj Zinhle ERA2

1. The name Era was influenced by Zinhle’s personal journey and growth.

2. The watches are made to give encouragement to every woman about the endless possibilities that exist for them.

3. Era is a reminder that there’s no better time than now to achieve everything you’ve always dreamed about.

4. The ERA design process entailed traveling internationally to meet with manufactures and work on the brand story.

5. The range is comprised of three designs – the Dare, Explore and Dream with each design carrying a different message.

6. The watches are mainly for ladies, with the exception of the Dare range which has four colours that are unisex.

7. The ERA watches are at an affordable price from R399 up to R599

Here are some of the ERA watches……

Dj Zinhle ERA1

Dj Zinhle ERA




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