Gayton McKenzie Pledges to Donate His Parliamentary Salary to A Foundation for Missing Children

Gayton McKenzie Pledges to Donate His Parliamentary Salary to A Foundation for Missing Children. In most cases, when a politician campaigns for votes, they promise to better the lives of others. Sadly many of the, when they get in office, better their lives instead. Could Gayton MacKenzie be different from the lot? We remain to see.
The business man, motivational speaker, author and former Executive Mayor of the Central Karoo District Municipality has now made his way into parliament. McKenzie’s party, Patriotic Alliance has obtained 9 National Seats and 10 Provincial Legislator Seats. In total the political party bagged itself 19 seats. This is a great performance looking at the fact that PA is a new party.
Since the elections, McKenzie has been vocal on social media about their plans as a party. In one of his tweets he jokingly practiced how he will be addressing parliament in the not so distance future. One person in the comments section sarcastically said McKenzie is in such a mood since he is awaiting those parliamentary perks and salary.
In his response McKenzie said, these kind of remarks are never said about white people entering parliament. He added that he is earning more from his businesses, and will be donating all of his parliamentary salary to the Joshlin Smit Foundation, which focuses on missing children.
“When white people enter parliament there is never talk about perks and salaries. I currently earn more from my investments per month. I will donate a hundred percent of my parliamentary salary to the Joshlin Smit Foundation for missing children,” McKenzie said.