Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networks

Social networks have advantage and disadvantage that you should be aware of when using them. We are introducing you the must know advantages and disadvantages of social networks so you’ll be aware of how to use them in the safest and most valuable possible ways! When we are getting to used to one social network another one is been launched whilst the other one is been build somewhere out there, at the end of a day we ended up not knowing which one to use or which one your friends is using so that we can connect with them. With that being said a social network is a social network it doesn’t matter which one you use.
Advantages of Social Networking
Worldwide Connectivity
You can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter whether you’re using it for it’s for business, fun, romance, advice, job seeking , church/school clubs or learning its easy and faster to do that now.
Connecting with all your friends around the world in the comfort of your own home its more safer and comforting knowing that you can’t be harm by anyone, because you are connecting digitally instead of having to physically attend meetings, you have the luxury of joining many more groups and communities. You can meet with your friends anytime you have an Internet connection and whenever you find them online.
Social networks reduce or eliminate face-to-face socialization, because of the autonomy afforded by the virtual world; individuals are free to create a fantasy persona and can pretend to be someone else.
It is hard to say no, be rude, or ignore someone when you are looking them in the eye. It’s incredibly easy and quick to unfriend or unfollow someone or simply block their efforts to make a connection. Just one click of the mouse and your problems are over.
Sharing Information
This is so effective for anybody to share news, useful info, gossip, what’s in and what’s hot. As much as everyone is using social networks for socializing not all of us can be about fun as especially for those who are studying, this can be your platform to share past exam papers and help each other with home works, assignments and prepare together for tests and exams.
Social networking can provide a tool for managers to utilize in team meetings, for conference organizers to use to update attendees and for business people to use as a means of interacting with clients or prospects.
Free Advertising and Marketing
Social networks could be easily utilized to market products or services and cost effective strategies and campaigns that can create viral results.
Social networks have the power to drive traffic to your website, blog, articles, etc.
Social networks can be used to attract attention and drive traffic to your site, product or service. It could also be used to further build loyalty and long-term relations with your audience.
Social networks marketing could always be a fun and creative method of doing business.
Disadvantages of Social Networks
Brand damaging
The wrong online brand strategy could put you at a viral social disadvantage and may even damage your reputation, i.e, when you make a mistake offline, a few will know but when you make a mistake online most of your audience of follows will know.
Cyberbullying and Crimes Against Children
Use of social networks can expose individuals to harassment or inappropriate contact from others. Unless parents are diligent to filter the Internet content to which their families are exposed, children could be exposed to pornography or other inappropriate content.
Fraud or Identity Theft
Whether you like it or not, the information you post on the Internet is available to almost anyone who is clever enough to access it. Most thieves need just a few vital pieces of personal information to make your life a nightmare and if they successfully steal your identity, it could cost you dearly. Please be careful when you sign up or register your personal details.
Time Waster
In order to get social network’s full effect, you need to understand how it works, when and how to use it and which channels to focus on depending on your end goal of using social media.
Social networks can have a negative influence on worker productivity. Employees may waste valuable time using social network channels such as Facebook and Twitter. They can also use social media to attack the company’s reputation! With the time they spend on social networks instead of working.