10 Things you don’t know about Mzambiya

10 Things you don’t know about Mzambiya
1.Mzambiya was born in Zola Soweto which is also home to other famous kwaito artists like Mdu, Zola, Mandoza and Bricks amongst others.
2.Mzambiya had a widespread of influence to other youngsters like Msawawa and Mshoza amongst others.
3.Mzambiya’s career highlight was when he was nominated for best newcomer award at the South African Music Awards in 2000 and touring the world and seeing people from foreign countries singing along to my songs.
4.In 2009 Mzambiya released his album Still I rise with kabelo Mabalane featuring artists like Howza amongst others and which got nominated for best kwaito album at the SAMAs and best video award for the Channel O Music Video Awards.
5.Mzambiya would like to feature Black Coffee, Thandiswa Mazwai, Hugh Masekela and probably go out of SA and feature the likes of Salif Keita and Oliver Mtukudzi.
6.Mzambiya has had girl stalkers
7.Mzambiya is inspired by Life, people and situations. He reads a lot too. He is basically inspired by reality, people are so ignorant lately.
8.Mzambiya approached SADAG after seeing a girl who killed herself when she thought she had failed Matric when she actually hadn’t. He also had a family member who committed suicide and he does not think people should take their own lives.
9.Mzambiya started a foundation called Mzambiya foundation which is about doing good for the less fortunate.
10.Mzambiya was supposed to be a 3rd member of Black Jack but I was at school and there were contract issues with his recording label.